Gilder flight

Gilder flight

A glider is a non-powered aircraft with high levels of aerodynamic efficiency and, as the name suggests, a high capacity to glide.

Air Dream College is Europe’s only aviation school that provides this form of training as part of its ATPL (A) program. Through a partnership with the Montemor-o-Novo, Centro de Voo Livre (CVL), each student will have the opportunity to perform 4/5 glider flight missions in the middle of the theoretical phase of the PPL module (A), the first module of the course.

This type of training enables our students to “see in practice what they have learned in theory,” that is, to assimilate theoretical subjects acquired in previous months in subjects such as Aerodynamics, Performance and Meteorology.

It is a great way to motivate our students because it allows you to experience an amazing feeling of flight, which many refer to as “the real pleasure of flying!” In addition to being a great way to illustrate and strengthen your theoretical expertise, as well as the advancement of other technical skills inherent in piloting aircraft, it is a great way to motivate our students because it allows you to experience an incredible feeling of flight, which many refer to as “the real pleasure of flying!”

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