This choice allows candidates interested in a career as a commercial airline pilot to begin their training without any previous aeronautical experience and complete it at their own rate. This is a common alternative for students who want to take the ATPL (A) course but don’t want to quit studying or working full-time and would rather see their qualifications as a Pilot evolve over time.
The modular course is well-structured and detailed. It was developed with the aim of delivering high-level training in a more versatile format. Students who prefer the modular option would have to take several different courses before they have received all of the requisite certificates and licenses to receive their ATPL (A).
The time it takes to complete all qualifications up to ATPL (A) is always based on the student’s progress; however, Air Dream College reports that it will take a frequent student 20 to 24 months to complete all qualifications.
Private Pilot License (PPL (A)

The PPL (A) course is designed to train a pilot applicant for the PPL License (A), also known as the “Private Pilot License (Aircraft)” or “Private Aircraft Pilot License,” which is provided by the National Civil Aviation Authority – ANAC.
This course’s aim is to teach student pilots how to fly aircraft safely and proficiently in Visual Flight Meteorological Conditions (VMC) while adhering to Visual Flight Rules (VFR).
The holder of a PPL (A) license has the right to serve as Pilot Commander (PIC) or co-pilot in non-commercial aircraft or Touring Motor Gliders without remuneration.
Notwithstanding the above paragraph, the holder of a PPL (A) with instructor or examiner privileges may receive remuneration for:
– Fight instruction for the LAPL (A) or PPL (A);
– Conduct proficiency tests and checks for these licenses.
Night Flight (NF)

The aim of this course is to train PPL (A) license holders to operate single engine class aircraft in VFR conditions at night.
To supplement their experience, pilots with a PPL (A) license will undergo theoretical and practical training (in real flight) under the supervision of our instructors.
Individual Flight (Hour Building)

Our Hour Building module ensures that PPL License (A) holders obtain the requisite flight hours and experience to qualify for an Instrument Rating course after completing a theoretical training course. Commercial Pilot (CPL (A)) or Airline Pilot (ATPL (A)) with instruments.
ATPL Theory

A theoretical ATPL (A) course may be provided to pilots with a PPL (A) license via a distance learning framework (E-Learning).
The ADC ATPL Theoretical Course in Distance Learning (E-Learning) is taught by highly qualified Instructors and Tutors and through an electronic platform, special in Portugal, whose functions allow the Student to acquire the required skills to perform theoretical tests at the National Civil Aviation Authority (ANAC) and, in turn, practice the profession of Airline Pilot (ATPL (A)) after obtaining all of the necessary qualifications.
Instrument Flight

The ADC Instrument Course (IR (A)) enables a PPL (A) Pilot with a night flight rating and a minimum ICAO English level of 4 to fly aircraft under Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) and Instrument Meteorological Conditions (IMC).
The course is divided into two modules: Basic Instrument Flight and Instrument Flight Procedures, which can be taken separately or together.
Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT)

The Upset Prevention and Recovery Training Course (UPRT) consists of theoretical and realistic training, with the goal of enabling the pilot to cope with challenges, adjust to changes, overcome obstacles, or withstand the strain of adverse circumstances through the enhancement of theoretical information on maneuvers and non-standard attitudes.
Multi-Engine Flight

The objective of this course is to instruct pilots to reach the level of proficiency to operate single-pilot on a multi-engine aircraft.
Commercial Pilot Licence (CPL A))

The Commercial Pilot License (CPL (A)) modular training program was designed for those who want to break down their studies into modules and receive licenses as they go. After completing the PPL (A), Night Flight (NF), Instrument Rating (IR), and Upset Prevention and Recovery Training modules, the Commercial Pilot License is obtained (UPRT).
A CPL holder (A) has the following privileges:
- Exercise all privileges of an LAPL and PPL holder;
- Perform duties as Pilot Commander (PIC) or co-pilot of any aircraft involved in operations other than commercial air transport;
- Perform functions as PIC in the commercial air transport of any single-pilot aircraft subject to the restrictions specified in the EASA legislation.
Multi-Crew Cooperation (CPL A))

The objectives of Multi-Crew Cooperation (MCC) training are to develop the technical and non-technical components of knowledge, qualities and attitudes necessary to operate a multi-crew aircraft.