Find out what a flight operations officer does, what the entrance criteria are, and how far you can go with a career in this area if you aren’t already familiar with it. We are the first and only school in Europe to be accredited to teach the OOV / OD course in a community setting. B-Learning is a form of learning system. This teaching system allows students to access the platform from anywhere, at any time, and with great ease, allowing them to access all knowledge and manuals relevant to the subjects being taught. This choice helps you to solve all time, space, schedule, distance, and cost constraints by allowing you to interact with the trainers and the School Board at any time. The total training program at Air Dream College is taught in theoretical and theoretical-practical classes that are split into 8/9 months depending on the student’s success. The Student will complete a 4 (four) month internship with an airline after successfully completing all phases of the course and the Theoretical Exams at the National Civil Aviation Authority (ANAC). Only applicants with at least 2 (two) years of aeronautical experience are eligible for this course.
Elementary Phase

The Elementary Phase of the Operations Officer / Dispatch Officer course consists of the subjects of Mathematics and Physics, for Students who have not taken these subjects in the 12th year of schooling, as well as an Introduction to Aeronautics course where the subjects will be taught
Basic Phase

During the Flight Operations Officer / Dispatch Officer Course, the student will be expected to demonstrate theoretical knowledge on the following subjects before the National Civil Aviation Authority (ANAC): Airline Legislation, Mass and Centering, Aircraft and Helicopter Performance, Flight Planning and Monitoring, Meteorology, General Navigation and Radio, Operating Procedures, and Aircraft General Knowledge. As a result, these subjects will be taught during this phase of the course, preparing the students for their future career and the ANAC exams. As a result, these subjects will be taught during this phase of the course, preparing the students for their future career and the ANAC exams.
Advanced Phase

Students will be taught Hazardous Matters, Dispatch Resource Management (DRM), Introduction to Aeronautical Management Systems, Safety Airport (Security), and Operational Security during this phase of the course to prepare them for the Practical Phase (Professional Internship) (Safety).
Practical Phase

The applicant for an Aeronautical License as a Flight Operations Officer / Dispatch Officer (OOV / OD) must complete an internship of at least 90 (ninety) working days under the supervision of an OOV / OD qualified as a Monitor, during which he must complete at least 120 (one hundred and twenty) operational dispatches of air transport flights. Operational training in aeronautical management systems and related procedures applicable to the OOV / OD role is included in this process. Regulation 614/2018 requires that this entire process and preparation be focused on what is mandated by national and foreign legislation.
Via a practical test, the student must demonstrate sufficient proficiency to exercise the duties of Flight Operations Officer / Dispatch Officer after completing all phases of the Course. This test is conducted by an Examiner approved by the National Authority (ANAC), and ANAC will be asked to grant an Aeronautical License after it is completed successfully.